#SidnetDonations: Angelika for PDFsam Basic and Empowering Children Foundation

First things first: IT security. Security First conference review

#SidnetDonations Krzysiek for the Debian project and the JOKOT Foundation

#SidnetDonations: Kamil for Thunderbird and the “Kundelek” Animal Shelter

#SidnetDonations: Piotr for Homebrew and Oncorun – Together for health!

#SidnetDonations: Łukasz for the Mozilla Foundation and the St. Brother Albert’s Aid Society

#SidnetDonations: Michał for PostgreSQL and the “Futrzaki” Foundation

#SidnetDonations: Wojciech for Linux Mint and the Znajdki Foundation

How to make your website multilingual. Case study part 3: A checklist

How to make your website multilingual. Case study part 2: Common issues