Kujawski. Cooking blog aggregator

2008 – 2024

Blogi z pierwszego tloczenia Kujawski Portfolio Sidnet

For the Kujawski brand, we built a blog aggregator for cooking blogs. For 16 years, we were responsible for maintaining it and adapting it to its growing popularity.

We built the website and equipped it with an efficient engine, an automatic blog content download and processing mechanism, a search engine, and a newsletter that sends notifications about new recipes to users.

Technologies: PHP, Perl, JavaScript, MySQL, Apache Solr, Git/GitLab, jQuery

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UK2. Sales & service management system

2014 – ongoing

Sidnet Portfolio UK2

UK2 (a THG company) is a British company offering a wide range of services related to hosting and domains. We have been their permanent partner since 2012.

We are working on UK2’s key project: the creation and development of an integrated sales and service management system. Not only do we handle programming tasks but we also assist in implementing new versions of the system, as well as work coordination.

Technologies: JavaScript, Backbone.js, Underscore.js, Twitter Bootstrap, Jenkins, Karma, ESLint, JIRA

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mali bracia Ubogich. Website

2016 – ongoing


We thoroughly rebuilt the existing website of mali bracia Ubogich (the little brothers of the Poor) Association and implemented functions such as online payment support, which has greatly facilitated fundraising.

We still fully maintain the frontend and backend of the website. We also supervise the preparation of landing pages for special events, e.g. encouraging people to transfer 1% of their tax to the Association.

Technologies: PHP, MySQL, Laravel, SilverStripe, PayU, FreshMail, HTML5, Less, Sass, Bootstrap 3, jQuery

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Onkobieg. Registration website

2017 – ongoing

Registration website Onkobieg - Portfolio Sidnet

Each year, the Sarcoma Association organises its annual charity run. We supported this initiative by creating a responsive website that allows participants to register online for the race in their chosen location, order a starter kit, or make a donation.

Apart from these new functionalities, the organisers of the event have also gained the ability to set up subsequent editions of Oncorun and handle participation requests in a convenient way.

Technologies: PHP, MySQL, Laravel, Sendgrid, PayU, HTML5, Less, Bootstrap 3, jQuery

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Fooder. Web & mobile applications

2016 – 2021

Sidnet Portfolio Fooder

We have taken over the maintenance of the website owned by the Kujawski brand. Fooder had allowed its 170.000 users to collect their favourite cooking recipes found on the Internet. We introduced all the necessary updates to the website and expanded the existing mobile applications for iOS and Android. We improved the way in which content is downloaded from the source page to the Fooder user profile, and we also added a recipe search function.

Technologies: PHP, MySQL, Laravel, PhantomJS, Beanstalk, Elasticsearch, Twig, Sendgrid, HTML5, Less, Bootstrap 3, jQuery, React Native, React Redux

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Feel The Flow. Reservation website

2015 – 2019

Sidnet Portfolio Feel The Flow

For the participants of winter trips organised by Feel the Flow, we created a flexible reservations system that allows users to easily customise their bookings. The tour operator has gained the ability to manage offers, reservations and discount codes, and to edit the site content.

We also improved the way in which payments sent by trip participants are registered, as well as the function that allows users to generate contracts in the form of a printable PDF file.

Technologies: PHP, MySQL, Laravel, Sendgrid, Dotpay, Mass Collect Pekao, HTML5, Less, Bootstrap 3, jQuery

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Sarcoma. Website

2015 – 2016

Sidnet Portfolio Sarcoma

We have supported the activities of the Sarcoma Association numerous times in the past. For example, we improved the Association’s web architecture to better suit their specific needs: we handled content migration and article database rearrangement, as well as transferring all the necessary data to the new website.

In addition, we developed a modern website that would better suit their needs – a website that is responsive, consistent with UI and UX principles, and based on a graphic design created by us.

Technologies: PHP, MySQL, HTML5, Less, Bootstrap 3, jQuery

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Baza Dobrych Praktyk. Website

2017 – 2020

Sidnet Portfolio Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych

We built Baza Dobrych Praktyk (Good Practice Database) to support a project of the Educational Research Institute. With our help, the Institute has gained the ability to manage new types of articles: users can now add annotations (comments concerning fragments of the text) which are visible on the website itself and in the PDF files that users can generate.

We also developed a graphics design for the website, as well as a series of infographics illustrating the content of individual articles.

Technologies: PHP, HTML, Joomla, TinyMCE, JavaScript, wkhtmltopdf

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