#SidnetDonations: Łukasz for Pi‑hole and the Kundelek Animal Shelter

#SidnetDonations: Marcin for Wikimedia Foundation and Doctors Without Borders

#SidnetDonations: Radek for Let’s Encrypt and the Ocalenie Foundation

#SidnetDonations: Łukasz for Linux Mint and the Iskierka Foundation

#SidnetDonations: Olga for Citizen Evidence Lab and Oncorun – Together for health!

#SidnetDonations: Krzysiek for SciPy and the Foundation for Polish Science

#SidnetDonations: Staszek for LimeSurvey and the Gajusz Foundation

#SidnetDonations: Dawid for Git and Animal Shelter in Tczew

#SidnetDonations: Emil for Arch Linux and the Polish poetry project

#SidnetDonations: Marcin for Laravel Actions and Zuzia Bereza (Between Heaven and Earth Foundation beneficiary)