#SidnetDonations: Marcin for Django and the Pomagaj Pomagać Różaland Association

#SidnetDonations: Michał for Prettier and Compassion in World Farming

#SidnetDonations: Michał for FreeBSD and Przystan Ocalenie Foundations

How to Increase User Engagement on Your Website

#SidnetDonations: Gabriela for Git and the Hunger Project

What Is a Backup and Why Is It so Important

A Website Built From Scratch or a Ready-Made Template

#SidnetDonations: Dominika for the Tor Project and the Empowering Children Foundation

Fixed Price vs. Time & Materials: The Right Contract Type for Your IT Project. A Miniguide

#SidnetDonations: Bartek for freeCodeCamp and the Pociecha Foundation