Last Saturday our team had the monthly meetup that we usually organize at the end of each month, alternately in our office in Warsaw and in Lodz. This time Lodz was the location, and sadly not everyone could attend, but the vast majority of us were there.
In the past during these meetups, we sometimes did presentations on technical topics – so this time we thought, why not make this into something that we do on a regular basis.
The topic of May presentation, which was made by my humble self, was “RESTful Web Services” – something that many of our team members deal with every day, mostly by being consumers of various web APIs, but not necessarily know the ideas behind REST and how it couples with the HTTP protocol. The presentation is an overview of the design principles that RESTful web APIs should stick to with examples of how this is (or isn’t) achieved.
I’ve put the slides up on Speaker Deck, so now everyone can have a look. A basic knowledge of web APIs and HTTP should probably be considered a prerequisite.
Expect more presentations from our future meetups – I can’t promise we will deliver one every month, as some will probably be too specific to the projects that we’re working on, but we’ll try to cover general topics most of the time. Also, if you have some feedback that you would like to share, drop us a note.
For good measure, here are two poor quality photos of yours truly speaking to the team:

(And yes, that’s beer that some of us are holding – the meetup gradually turned into a drinkup and then an evening of bowling!)