#SidnetDonations: Gabriel for the Tor Project and Rak’n’Roll Foundation

#SidnetDonations: Gosia for Thunderbird and The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (WOŚP)

#SidnetDonations: Kamil for the Kundelek Dog Shelter and Open Source Initiative

#SidnetDonations: Patryk for Open Cages and Kolibri

#SidnetDonations: Krzysztof for “Little brothers of the Poor” Association and Python Software Foundation

#SidnetDonations: Dawid for the Animal Shelter in Tczew and LibreOffice

#SidnetDonations: Wojciech for Marcin Sztrubel and the pre-commit framework

20 Years of Building a Team Around Shared Values

#SidnetDonations: Marcin for Django REST Framework and Cancer Fighters Foundation

#SidnetDonations: Wojtek again for Magda Rejman, a beneficiary of the Przyszłość dla Dzieci foundation, and for Linux Mint