In the November edition of our donations initiative, Szymon Gdula – Full-Stack Developer, who recently celebrated his first anniversary in our team – makes his debut as the selector. What projects will receive our support this month, following Szymon’s choice?
Szymon’s first choice is TypeORM, a programming library for working with databases in applications written in JavaScript and TypeScript. As often happens with the selections, Szymon chose software that he uses regularly, justifying his decision as follows: “It’s a backend library that makes working with databases easier and faster. I use it every day in Node.js.”
TypeORM, like many other ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) solutions, allows developers to work with data from the database in the form of objects. This technique not only increases productivity but also improves the quality of the code written and often helps to avoid errors occurring with direct access to databases.
The TypeORM project can be developed thanks to the financial support of the engaged community. Together with Szymon, we join them as part of this month’s edition of our initiative.
Forest Forever Foundation
The second organization Szymon chose to support is the Las Na Zawsze (Forest Forever) Foundation, which focuses on forest protection. „The foundation protects mature, rich forest ecosystems and plants young, biodiverse forests. I believe that in times of progressive degradation of the natural environment, the foundation’s activities are a noble and right thing,” says Szymon.
The Foundation not only plants new trees and protects existing forests from logging, but also conducts educational activities to increase society’s ecological awareness. The foundation’s employees and volunteers educate communities about forest protection, in accordance with the principle that prevention is better than cure.
As we do this month, you can support the foundation in its activities. Thanks to the joint effort, nearly 1,300,000 m² of forests all over Poland are now under the foundation’s care.