The war in Ukraine is not as actively discussed in mainstream media and everyday conversations as it was before, but our willingness to help our Ukrainian friends is just as strong as ever. Gabriel Wołynko, a software tester in our team, has followed the steps of others and decided that this month’s donation will fully support the victims of the Russian invasion. Per his wish, we are making a double donation to the Foundation Ukraine, based in Wroclaw.
As an avid gamer, Gabriel spends his afternoons competing in online tournaments against players worldwide, including those from Ukraine. In virtual worlds the actual boundaries and divides are irrelevant. Yet, Gabriel finds it impossible to stay neutral in the wake of recent events in Ukraine. This is why he decided to double his funding for the Foundation Ukraine which supports the integration of Ukrainians who have relocated to Lower Silesia.
“In Ukraine, there is a war going on. People need help, and the Ukrainian army requires basic supplies like first‑aid kits. I recently met a Russian player online. We had a chat, and I quickly realized that the image of the Ukrainian war in Russian media is far from realistic and that Russians don’t question it, believing it to be true. This is solid evidence that the international community should stand for Ukraine and advocate for a quick end of the war and propaganda campaign”, explains Gabriel.
As crucial as providing immediate assistance to the places devastated by the fighting is assisting Ukrainians who try to recover from war abuse far from home. The Foundation Ukraine focuses on the integration of Ukrainians who have relocated to Wrocław and the surrounding area.
Culture and tradition unite people who left their homeland for economic, ideological, or political reasons. They also serve as a foundation for national identity, allowing people to survive even the most trying times in exile. With this in mind, the Foundation hosts cultural and educational events and assists Ukrainian immigrants in learning about local customs and adjusting to a new environment.
Since its establishment in Wrocław in 2013, Foundation Ukraine has established a reputation within the local community. The charity decided to put its social capital to good use by organizing a fundraiser for Ukraine to aid the country in its fight against the aggressor. The charity site allows visitors to donate or request direct assistance for those still in Ukraine. We encourage you to join us and actively support the campaign, just like Gabriel has.