April is unique for its changeable weather, but no matter whether it rains or shines, today is the fifteenth, so it’s time to choose who we want to support this month. The decision who receives April’s donations were up to Krzysiek Pisera.
We mostly do web development, and JavaScript is one of the languages we use most frequently. Krzysiek has decided we should support the JS Foundation, which oversees a number of JavaScript projects. The foundation was established last October, following the merger of the jQuery Foundation and the Dojo Foundation. The most popular projects it maintains include jQuery, Dojo Toolkit, Grunt and ESLint. The latter has proven particularly useful in our everyday work on large JavaScript projects.
Our other donation goes to Patryk Arkita from Zgierz, Krzysiek’s home town. Patryk needs treatment due to a complicated heart condition. We wish him the best of luck and send our warmest thoughts, and encourage the readers of our blog to support Patryk and the JS Foundation as well.